
    In 1946, Truett Cathy gained the title entrepreneur when he opend the The Dwarf Grill. The Dwarf Grill was located in the town of Hapeville, Georgia. This restaurant was later reanmed as Dwarf House. That Dwarf House and 10 others are still in business today, but are connected to the more famous Cathy ran business known as  Chick-fil-A.
Chick-fil-A Logo Drawn by: Dalton

Left-The orginal Dwarf Hose -1947
Right-The orginal Dwarf House-199o's

    In 1967 Truett Cathy opened the first ever Chick-fil-A. It was opened in Greenbriar Mall in Atlanta. Even though he started with only 10 stools and 4 tables, it has expanded greatly. Chick-fil-A has over 1,500 restaurants in 39 different states including Washington D.C. It also has over 600 corporate employees. The first person that Cathy employed was a lady named Brooksie Kirk. Later he hired 4 more. This company is now worth over 3.5 billion dollars. (WOW!) Chick-Fil-A is also known for being the second largest quick service chicken restaurant in the US. (First is KFC.)


1st Chick-fil-A

    Along with Cathy’s progress he took a few risks and had a few failures. His first failure was when the Forest Park Dwarf Grill burned to the ground. This was the second Dwarf Grill that he opened. One risk taken was not being open on Sundays. This is because he believes everyone should go to church on Sunday. Another risk that he took was that there were not many resources after World War II. Cathy did not let this stop him; he worked very hard and opened the first Chick-fil-A.
    This company has definitely had an impact on the state of Georgia and even the nation. With approximately 1,700 locations, Chick-Fil-A affects over 1,700 communities around the nation by providing jobs and tax revenue. Along with employing approximately 51,000 people they bring in about $3.5 billion a year. According to Mr. Johnson (Manager of the Waycross Chick-Fil-A), the Waycross restaurant has 35 employees. He reports that each Chick-Fil-A employees around 30 people. Hard to believe they started with only 10 stools and 4 tables! 

 The  Chick-fil-A sandwich was invented in the early 1960's. It has been a huge sucess! In 2010 Chick-fil-A sold more than 282 million Chick-fil-A Sandwiches. If you do the math, that is almost 9 sandwiches per second. If you are really smart you would know that if you laid them laid end to end, they go 21 thousand miles. That just about would wrap around the Earth.

Chick-fil-A ad slogan Drawn by: Dalton
How many Chick-fil-A Waffle Potato Fries did Americans eat in the year 2010? A lot!  If we could weigh them, it would equal the weight of 17 thousand elephants!