
    Collett E. Woolman turned  a small business into a major airline. Woolman was one of the founders of Delta Airlines. He was born October 8, 1889 in Blooming, Indiana but he grew up in Urbana, Illinois.  In 1924, the Huff Daland Dusters began. The Huff Daland Dusters was a crop dusting business. It was the first commercial crop dusting business. Woolman helped to buy Huff Daland Dusters in 1928 and turned it into Delta Airlines.  They flew their first passengers in 1929. This was a big accomplishment!
   Delta continued to deliver mail and passengers. In 1940, Delta began to add stewardesses, to their flight crews. Delta Airlines, then moved its headquarters to Atlanta, Georgia. In the 1950s Delta flew its first international flight. In 1980, Delta started using a computer reservations system and started the Frequent Flyer Miles program in 1981. In 1996, Delta was even able to move the Olympic Torch from Athens, Greece to Los Angeles before the Atlanta Olympic Games.
    While Delta has had many accomplishements, they have also had problems. On September 14, 2005, Delta Airlines had to file bankruptcy because they couldn’t afford oil and didn't have much cash. They were in bankruptcy for 585 days. The terrorist attacks were a big part of Delta’s financal problems.  The company managed to stay in business. 
        Delta Airlines has about 80,000 employees . Delta's workers come from all around the world.  Delta Airlines had about $31.8 billion in revenue in 2010!!! The number of aircraft that Delta Airlines has is approximately 725. Delta has been dusting crops,or delivering mail, or transporting passengers for a long time. Just like the slogan, Delta loves to fly and it shows!